Does 5G Tech Leads to Coronavirus?

Some people have targeted 5G over worries about its health impacts. But it didn't cause the coronavirus.
Some people have targeted 5G over worries about its health impacts. But it didn't cause the coronavirus.
“5G” really means is that it’s the fifth-generation wireless technology, following, well, 4G. In a nutshell, 5G involves utilizing higher frequency bands to support faster speeds, less latency, and more devices.

The 5G conspiracy theorists are at it again, you may have heard that 5G cellular networks caused Cancer, Infertility, Autism, Alzheimer's the disease they don't.

This stuff is all false and we've been spending countless hours trying to explain why that's just impossible but conspiracy theorists can't be deterred and of course, now that there's another hot health problem out their coronavirus they've decided that 5g has something to do with it.

Spoiler Alert!!  it doesn't,

  • 5g does not cause coronavirus!!
  • 5g does not spread coronavirus!!
  • 5g has nothing to do with coronavirus!!

Keri Hilson
The latest hare-brained theory has been spreading virally on the internet starting with R&B singer Keri Hilson who has six and a half million social media followers in a completely insane video that she posted to Instagram.

She wrote: 

"People have been trying to warn us about 5G for YEARS. Petitions, organizations, studies...what we are going thru is the effects [sic] of radiation. 5G launched in CHINA. Nov 1, 2019. People dropped dead."
Thomas Cowan claims viruses are the waste from cells that are poisoned. Some of the poisonings, he said, comes from electromagnetic fields.

A man (in the image) with his nametag turned backward claims that:

  • The 1918 flu pandemic was caused by the invention of the radio.
  • And that in 1968 flu was caused by satellites emitting radioactive.

But these claims are utterly unrealistic and utterly untethered from reality.

They appear to fall broadly into two camps:

  • One claims 5G can suppress the immune system, thus making people more susceptible to catching the virus.
  • The other suggests the virus can somehow be transmitted through the use of 5G technology.
Both these notions are "complete rubbish," says Dr Simon Clarke, associate professor in cellular microbiology at the University of Reading.

So, should you be freaked out by 5G mobile networks or not?

  • "The idea that 5G lowers your immune system doesn't stand up to scrutiny," Dr Clarke says.

  • "Your immune system can be dipped by all sorts of things - by being tired one day, or not having a good diet. Those fluctuations aren't huge but can make you more susceptible to catching viruses."

While very strong radio waves can cause heating, 5G is nowhere near strong enough to heat people up enough to have any meaningful effect.
"Radio waves can disrupt your physiology as they heat you up, meaning your immune system can't function. But [the energy levels from] 5G radio waves are tiny and they are nowhere near strong enough to affect the immune system. There have been lots of studies on this."

Source – T-Mobile

The World Health Organization an arm of the United Nations has found no evidence that 5G adversely affects health.

The fear of 5G has prompted acts of violence in the United Kingdom and Netherlands cell towers reportedly have been attacked and set on fire. 

- YouTube bans videos falsely claiming 5G causes COVID-19.
- Just a day earlier, the video service had stopped short of banning videos promoting the conspiracy theory.
- YouTube removed the ICKE interview on April 7 after it was live-streamed on the platform 

WhatsApp limits message forwarding to curb misinformation spread
You can only forward popularly messages to one person at a time, instead of five.

Think about it:

I can't believe this has to be said, but coronavirus is a VIRUS! and 5G is a COMPUTER NETWORKING SYSTEM and the two of them have NOTHING to do with each other and don't have any overlap.

Just look at the fact that COVID 19 is now spreading in places that don't have 5G.

Right now, I know we want to blame someone for this virus, I know it would be great if there was a big conspiracy a grand explanation other than total administrative incompetence but 5G isn't folks.

If you really want to protect yourself from the virus stay inside 🏡 and wash your hands. 😀

  • gifs were taken from GIPHY


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